Flame of Resurrection

Flame of Resurrection
Img Credits: http://www.utrineksanj.si/inner

Ruby Gold Ray

The Ruby Gold Ray activates the Flame of Resurrection which allows to substitute energies with codes of false light (AI) by energies with codes of Organic Living Light (Source of Creation), being this the true meaning of Resurrection. I've noticed that the Flame of Resurrection can acquire several tonalities, from simple gold to golden orange, golden purple and golden ruby. This flame has the ability to enhance any area of life. Example of invocation of this flame to cleanse past misuse of finances. Say daily, 3x « I AM the resurrection and the life of my finances! » until the desired result is achieved. It may happen, during this process, that patterns and/or interferences emerge that need to be cleaned and healed.

« When the master Jesus said, "I AM the Resurrection and the Life," he was not talking about his human self in incarnation. He was teaching the divine law of the mighty "I AM" that lives in your Sacred Heart, not yet fully expressed in your present state of awareness. Understand that the Resurrection Flame is an energy you can easily use for your benefit by focusing on it, by invoking it and by playing with it. Be creative! » - Master Adama
Taken from book "The Seven Sacred Flames" by Aurelia Louise Jones

The Flame of Resurrection can also be used to restore the vibrational frequency of the electrons, either after attacks of AI, directed energy, electromagnetic fields (radio, tv, wifi, 5G, etc), or due to karmic situations. Karma has nothing to do with reincarnations, but rather with the negative use of the electrons' consciousness. Even if there is what we call external interference, this occurs because of the vibrational affinity (through quantum entanglement) that we have in our akashic, even if we are not yet aware of it.

« Electrons are created as energy particles from etheric planes of consciousness; their energy is neutral and totally at the service of Life. They manifest in form only when they become qualified by other conscious parts of life. Electrons take various forms, shapes and densities according to how they are qualified. In your world, when you qualify energy with less than pure Love, when you create with fear, anger or greed, you are misusing electrons and creating distortions in their original purpose to serve Life. This miscreation then becomes yours as karma. You have to live with the programming you have qualified the electrons with. When you balance all your debts to life with Love, you purify all the electrons you have misused. This is what you call the "working out of karma." » - Master Adama
Taken from book "The Seven Sacred Flames" by Aurelia Louise Jones

Characteristics of the Ruby Gold Ray:

  • The Elohim are the builders of forms. The Elohim connected with this ray are: Peace and Aloha.
  • The directors of this ray are the Ascended Masters Nada and Sananda (better known as Mary Magdalene Sophia and Yeshua Sananda Melchizedek).
  • The legions of Christ Uriel are linked to this ray. Christ Uriel ("God's Fire") is a Cosmic Solar Christ Consciousness from the angelic legion known as Archangel Uriel. When invoking, invoke Christ Uriel, instead of Archangel Uriel, and you will see that there is a Christic consciouness that responds to the invocation. Do the experiment and see for yourselves. :)
  • This ray is connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra, related with our ego, rational mind, personality, father, personal power, pride, envy, beauty, self-esteem, control and freedom.
  • Day when it's amplified: Thursday (but it can be invoked on any day).
  • Crystals linked to this ray: Citrine, Pyrite, Golden Calcite.
  • Qualities of the ray: Peace; collaboration; dedication to life; manifestation of the inner Christ; service to others, to God; spiritual reverence; devotion; adoration; idealism; tenderness; courage to fight for convictions; loyalty; sincerity; objectivity; love for others; divine grace; healing.
  • Misuse of the ray: Religious and/or spiritual fanaticism (blindly following “voices of guides” without discernment of mind and heart); evil sects; elitist cults; segregation; castes; prejudice; intolerance; shaping the creed and thinking of others.
  • Notes: This is the ray of psychologists, preachers, teachers, priests, missionaries, nuns, monks, mediums, counselors, consultants, healers, theologians, poets and religious.

Note: Below, the guided meditation to Telos (6th Ray). 🎧 To download the MP3, click here.